Copper and Glass Garden Stake

Regular price $65.00


The copper garden stake will look great year-round as it ages beautifully outdoors in your flower garden adding an extra depth to the fused piece you create.  The stand also allows you to change the glass plate seasonally and has space to attach a wind chime if you choose.  This is meant to be fun and creative so work on some ideas for your design before you get here or just come ready to have fun!  

Includes glass for one plate, kiln firing, and thin fire paper, cut ups extra.

Supply Fee: Current market price for the copper stand. Copper wire for attaching your plate.

Bring beads and embellishments day 2 to use in attaching your garden plate to the stand If you bring in your windchime glass cut, ground and holes drilled you may add it to the stand too.  Windchime can also be added later at home.

Prerequisite:  Cutting skills helpful but not required.

Class Schedule: 

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